Discover the training regimen that honed Ryan Reynold's physique for his leading role in Deadpool 2. Build a sculpted physique with the Ryan Reynolds "Deadpool 2" workout. Learn about his intense training routine and embark on a journey of transformation.
Ryan Reynolds has one of the best physiques in Hollywood. In fact, to this day people are still talking about his shredded abs from the movie Blade Trinity. Reynolds' abs were so developed that he was actually accused of using prosthetic abs.
Ryan Reynolds stands at a tall 6’2. Although his poor and often hunched posture can make him seem slightly shorter. When Reynolds is in top shape for roles like Deadpool, Blade Trinity and Green Lantern he weighs around 190 lbs (86kg) of pure muscle.
For 6’2 this is by no means heavy and most websites on the internet claim he is in the 90-95 kg range. These same websites claim he was 3-4% body fat in Blade Trinity. This is absolutely absurd.
Most people seem to overestimate body weight and underestimate body fat percentage. The reality is that when you are under 5 percent body fat your body is in a state of starvation mode. You can only maintain 4-5 per cent body fat for a couple of days without health consequences.
Most body fat measuring devices can be off by 3-4 per cent. Even the gold standard tests like underwater weighing, BodPod and DEXA can be off by 2 per cent.
In reality, Ryan Reynolds' body fat was most likely in the range of 5.5-7 per cent body fat. This is very, very lean and about all you can aim for.
If your goal is to have a lean, muscular and aesthetic body like Ryan Reynolds then get FREE access to the Beach Body Blueprint to learn the easiest roadmap to 10% body fat.
Now, it’s important to realise the importance of camera, angles and lighting. When we see many of these actors get into superhero shape, we often forget that a huge contributing factor is how the director and director of photography actually position, light and shoot the actor.
Now with that out of the way, let’s focus on Ryan Reynolds' physique development. The first couple of muscle groups that jump out at you are his chest and shoulders. He has built an incredible, well-developed chest from top to bottom.
It’s clear that the Ryan Reynold 'Deadpool 2" workout routine focused heavily on the upper chest and standing shoulder press. In fact, doing a lot of research on his workout routines over the years, I was excited to see many of his workouts seemed similar to that in my FREE Beach Body Blueprint.
There was a massive amount of focus on the incline press, standing press and pull-ups. This produces an incredibly proportionate and aesthetic-looking physique.
The incline press perfectly develops the chest with an emphasis on the upper portion of the chest. The standing press, done correctly, builds the entire shoulder girdle and further contributes to upper chest development. And weighted pull-ups build a wide detailed back and muscular biceps.
It’s important to mention that this isn’t the exact routine that Ryan Reynolds has followed. But I, myself, have built a similar physique and have helped men all over the world do the same.
So, bottom line, this routine will get the job done like nothing else. Now, fundamentally, the secret to the Deadpool 2 body will be getting stronger with the key lifts that promote the type of physique Reynolds possesses. We’ll also supercharge muscle growth with something I call the EPP or the Eterno Pump Protocol.
This is a training philosophy contained in my Adonis Evolution Muscle Building Program, and it works like nothing else will. The concept is combining high-intensity lifting (reverse pyramid training) with high-volume pump training (standard pyramid training). This maximises muscle growth perfectly.
The workout routine will comprise just two workouts. One workout we will be hitting the chest, shoulders and triceps. In the other workout, we will be hitting the back, biceps, traps and legs. You will be working out three times per week, alternating between Workout A and Workout B.
Now the beauty of this training routine is that it allows you to hit each muscle group once every 4-5 days. This is the absolute perfect frequency to maximise muscle growth and recovery. The reason is simple, it takes about 48 hours for the muscles to recover.
But what is often forgotten, is the local neurons that fire a specific muscle group take 3-4 days to recharge. So for maximum strength gains, it’s best to wait 3-5 days before hitting a muscle hard and heavy again.
- Monday: Workout A
- Wednesday: Workout B
- Friday: Workout A
Week TWO
- Monday: Workout B
- Wednesday: Workout A
- Friday: Workout B
Now three workouts per week may not sound like a whole lot, but trust me, this is the perfect strategy. It’s important to remember that your body rebuilds and grows stronger when you’re resting and not when you’re in the gym. What’s more, when you are focusing on increasing weight every week, taking rest is absolutely critical.
- Incline Barbell Press: 3 sets – 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 (reverse pyramid)
- Standing Barbell Press: 2 sets – 6-8, 8-10 (reverse pyramid)
- Machine Flat Bench Press: 4 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6 (standard pyramid)
- Lateral Raises: 4 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6 (standard pyramid)
- Triceps Rope Pushdowns: 4 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6 (standard pyramid)
- Weighted Pullups: 3 sets – 6-8, 6-8, 6-8 (reverse pyramid)
- Seated Cable Rows: 4 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6 (standard pyramid)
- Barbell Front Squats: 3 sets – 6-8, 8-10, 10-12 (reverse pyramid)
- Romanian Deadlifts: 3 sets – 10-12, 10-12, 10-12
- Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 sets – 6-8, 6-8, 6-8 (reverse pyramid
- Cable or Machine Curls: 4 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6 (standard pyramid)
This Deadpool workout routine will hit your entire physique perfectly. Now these are extremely intense workouts and, actually, more workout volume than I typically recommend. But this strategy is necessary to gain muscle fast.
If you’re unfamiliar with reverse pyramid training and standard pyramid training, I discuss this in great detail in my FREE Beach Body Blueprint.
Essentially, with reverse pyramid training, you are performing your heaviest set first (after a warm-up). You should rest for about 3 minutes between sets. For your second set, you should reduce the weight by about 10% and another 10% weight reduction for your third set.
If possible, you want to perform 1-2 more reps on each set. Increase the weight the next workout once you can do the maximum number of reps.
For standard pyramid training, you will select a weight you can do for 12 reps. Rest for just 60-90 seconds then perform 10 reps with the same weight. Rest and perform 8 reps. Rest and perform 6 reps. Finished.